Climate denial is protection
By denying human caused climate change we can maintain denial of our “inner climate”
Avoiding responsibility for what we do to ourselves, our families and communities
Responsibility is a bitch, moving us out of victim and “it’s just the way things are / it’s natural”
To acknowledging that who we are in this society is toxic to ourselves and those around us
To changing the essentials of who we are and what we eat, drink, think, believe, support and do
To facing the pain of remaking ourselves and the world
Climate action delay is protection
By claiming that changes regarding our carbon and ecological footprints aren’t urgent
And that the proposed solutions won’t work anyway
Allows us to maintain our own “inner climate” for a little while longer
Avoiding the hard work of reflection and personal and community transformation
Enjoying our toxic privilege, for a while longer
Our denied inner worlds reflected around us
And calling for healing