Forever chemicals

Known as PFASs
Hundreds of them, in almost everything – clothing, cookware, furniture, packaging, cosmetics, etc.
Persistent, accumulating, non-organic; outside the cosmic cycle of life, death and renewal

Mimicking, blocking, or disrupting our endocrine system
Wrecking havoc with our hormones – that message and control our emotions and bodies
Causing multiple health issues and mystery diseases, from cancer to neurological and behavioral disorders

Leading to reduced fertility, difficulty to conceive, and sterility
Blocking the flow of lifeforce and creation (procreation)
Disrupting interest in sex, the desire to date and mate, intimate / interpersonal relationships, and connection in community

Accumulating and accumulating
And likewise effecting all mammals on earth

Blocking the powerful and critically important flow of Eros
Unwinding the spiral of creative expression of the cosmos
The road to extinction

But the fire of lifeforce is inextinguishable and forever present as the lifeblood of Pachamama
If blocked in humans and our fellow mammals, it will show up elsewhere
On the landscape in fires, in the earth and magma surfacing, and in the boiling oceans

While we can
Honor life and love