What is mine to do?
The days of the hero’s journey are over
The days of bucket-lists and dreams-of-more are over
The poly / meta / everything crisis is upon us. Time and the future are collapsing
Climate disasters, migration, famine, war, scarcity, PFASs, species loss, water shortages, inequality/injustice, polarization, pandemics, to name a few
All compounded and accelerated by AI
Existential threats abound
Time for deep existential inquiry
Into our soul’s purpose – behind the masks of identity, cultural entrapment, routine and obligations
From the depth of broken-hearted grief
Regret for what could have been
From the guilt of our complicity
From our great-grandparents, for our great-grandchildren
In love
For all of the natural world and cosmos
Not shying away from reality
Not succumbing to delusion, escapism, false hope or fitting in
Nor ego trips of saviour-ship
Seeing clearly and following the compass of our hearts
Feeling the way ahead in the guidance of our bodies
Asking / praying to grok the next step
Cultivate goodness, truth and beauty within
Expressed moment to moment, not in some future result / outcome or solution
Passionate presence
Honour your deepest contract with lifeforce and creation
Don’t go back to sleep
Ask every day
Who am I to be?
What is mine to do?