Black holes are one of the most mysterious structures in our universe.
Trauma is one of our most mysterious and pervasive “conditions”.
We have black holes within us – created by trauma – trauma holes.
Black holes are created when a star burns all it’s fuel, collapses and changes the energetics of the cosmos around it.
Trauma is created when an aspect of our world, and our psyche is impacted, collapses and changes our entire being.
Black holes are massive and dense.
Trauma is massive in impact and creates a center of dense energy within us.
Black holes can merge to form even more massive black holes.
Trauma incidents can merge, forming patterns, and create an even denser core of trauma.
At the center of a black hole is the singularity – a moment in curved space-time.
At the center of trauma is the moment when it occurred – frozen within us.
Black holes have intense gravity and can pull surrounding stars into their gravity well and “devour” them.
Trauma pulls our life experiences, especially joyful ones, into it and devours them. We struggle to see goodness – all that was good has been pulled into the trauma hole.
Black holes are intensely cold compared to surrounding space.
Trauma freezes our energy and emotions. We feel chilled lifelessness.
Black holes are at the center of galaxies. Galaxies revolve around them.
Our personalities orbit the dense gravitation of the black holes of our traumas.
Black holes distort space-time. Light bends around them.
Trauma distorts our reality, and life is bent around the trauma.
Black holes give off radiation into surrounding space.
Trauma radiates throughout all aspects of our lives. It permeates who we are. It is a core wound to our psyche, appearing in many guises, from nightmares to PTSD to madness.
Black holes are essentially invisible – they can only be detected by the gravitational lensing of light.
Trauma is invisible – we are often unaware that it is within us, our memories are blocked in self defense, and we can only detect it based on how it distorts our lives.
Black holes alter time. From the event horizon to the singularity, time moves progressively slower.
Trauma alters time within us. We believe that we will be stuck forever, without a future.
At the edge of a black hole is the event horizon. After crossing the event horizon nothing can escape the intense gravity of the black hole, not even light.
Trauma has an event horizon. When conditions remind and trigger our trauma we are drawn back into it and re-traumatized. It is challenging to escape from trauma and it’s accompanying depression.
Black holes are one of the oldest structures in the universe and will likely be some of the last structures remaining when the universe ends.
Trauma is long lasting. Events from early childhood are with us for the rest of our lives and we inherit trauma from our parents, who inherited it from their parents and back into time. Paradoxically, even those who are convinced they have had no trauma in their lives are often carrying the accumulated trauma of their ancestors.
Black holes are forming all the time throughout the cosmos as stars collapse.
Trauma can be created within us at any time. Especially in these chaotic times when our psyches are fragile we can easily collapse into a trauma hole from a triggering, stressful event in our lives. Even those who believe themselves to be on the “path of light” may be surprised to find that light being bent toward and then into a black hole.
Just as we have our personal black holes, societies and cultures have their black holes. These form from the accumulated historical treatment of groups of people and nature. These traumas are held within the cultural matrix, distort society and impact us personally. No one in a society is outside the event horizon.
We can examine where our lives are bent, distorted, stuck or frozen, and then consider that trauma that we are not aware of, and don’t want to even consider, is the cause.
With diligence we can break free of our black holes of trauma, and find that the cosmos is a different place than we thought it was – in all it’s beauty.