Chaos and truth

Much has been written about the intensification of solar and cosmic energy, and their influences on life on earth.
There appear to be three significant effects, and many subtle ones
The significant effects are cognitive difficulties, short-term memory problems, and emotional volatility
These effects are creating day-to-day challenges for many, and appear to also have significant underlying implications.

As cognition and memory challenges increase it is hard to maintain fallacies and lies. Fabrication requires consistent cognition and memory, otherwise it is very difficult to keep a story straight. As cognitive and memory chaos increases people are more likely, in their frustration, to just blurt out what they really think or know. Thus the energies of chaos are acting as a kind of truth serum for all humans.

Often this newly expressed truth is no longer filtered through what is culturally or politically correct. And deeper suppressed dark/shadow material is likely to be expressed, especially when emotional volatility is also heightened.

Thus we face the paradox of increasing truth, which many would welcome; and increasing dark / shadow aspects of ourselves arising and involuntarily being expressed, which is most challenging to deal with in ourselves and others.


© 2013 Rick Ellis. All rights reserved.
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