Heartbreak and Despair in this time of climate change and extinction
Climate change and mass extinction are here
They are real
They hurt
If you feel this hurt, the cry of Pachamama (Gaia)
Honor this
Acknowledge that your heart is open
And aware
That you feel and care
That you have not become lost in your mind and rationality
That wealth and materialism have not overwhelmed your heart
That you are alive
And in this compassion – feeling and suffering with nature
When your heart feels like breaking, let it break, over and over
Be with your grief for nature and for life
Beware of hiding in anger or needing to do “something” and the attendant frustration and depression
Authentic heartbreak is a doorway to the depths
And leads to shifts in awareness and knowledge of right action
The power of the authentic caring of your heart will amaze you if you let it speak to you through the openness of heartbreak