As we progress in our personal and spiritual work there is a tendency to become self-oriented
To focus on manifesting our future based on our perceived purpose or happiness
Thinking that once we reach a certain “stage” we are now in a position to chart our individual path
We think mastery is our ability to clearly inquire regarding our calling, our direction, or our best interests, and then seek guidance / answers to the questions
Sometimes this is a useful and necessary step on the journey
Especially if we are recovering from trauma (as we all are) and know that we have parts of ourselves that are dissociated, addictive, or risk-taking
Recognizing these parts deeply believe they are protecting us from the deeper pain frozen beneath the trauma
As we integrate our trauma and bring our hungry ghosts into awareness, acceptance and heart, our natural inclination is to question, to search – for happiness, bliss, oneness and all the other proffered spiritual ways of being
However, down the road, we recognize that the spiritual journey is about connection rather than separation, connection not only with other humans but with the natural world, and especially connection with Pachamama
And that our authenticity can only come from a deep connection to, and expression of, LIFE
That we, and everything manifest, are embodied lifeforce – emanations of LIFE
Our current cultural and scientific paradigm and many spiritual teachings are question centric – thinking that we start with a question, or a problem / desire that presents a question
And this is so essentially patriarchal – being in control by being the questioner
But meaning, direction and calling always start with an invitation by LIFE
The invitation appears either subtly or via a smack, and then we develop a question to interrogate and “validate” the invitation
Confused about what came first
Deep spiritual inquiry is a state of soft, receptive openness to receive the invitations from LIFE that will foster our authentic expression
And often these invitations are unexpected, unplanned, and life direction altering
Creating the anxious challenge of embracing authenticity in our straight-jacketed western world
Listen, whole heartedly, as invitations whisper to your soul, synchronistically ghost past you, or derail your perfectly planned life
Note: For additional information see “Messages”