
As the sky god spiritual traditions replaced the earth-based ones, humans separated from Pachamama.
With the focus on higher frequencies / vibration, crown chakra, light, subtle realms, higher / upper worlds above, etc. the stage was set for taking. 
Taking and consuming whatever we wanted from Pachamama, and the feminine.
We were no longer “of the earth” and feeling what was being done to her.

But we need a ground to our being.
So, we created a kind of pseudo connection to Pachamama. 
Using Pachamama to support / ground us with little or no permission or reciprocity.

What would it be like to truly connect to Pachamama?
To open our root chakras (like we do our crown chakra when connecting to so-called higher energies) and feel with Pachamama.
To feel the unbridled base frequencies, harmonic rumble and pulse of the cosmos coursing through her.
To sink into physicality with her.
To feel her incredible love for all life, and deep nurturing.

And that is usually as far as we want to go.
Staying on the surface – safe territory, safe feelings, safe beliefs, nothing in our spiritual world threatened.

However, if we deepen the connection, we will feel the ongoing death of billions of beings and the violent destruction of complete ecosystems, among so many other horrific violations.

And glimpse our personal / family role in this death and destruction.

Can we sit with, and truly feel the pain of this much death and destruction – not as a mind understanding but as a heart wrenching reality now present in our bodies?
A test of spiritual mastery.

What is an appropriate and authentic feeling response to this?
What do we do when an appropriate and authentic response is raw rage but spiritual teachings tell us to transcend these base emotions?

Will the love, light and peaceful-presence façade crack as we see our complicity?
Will we want to escape back up to the “high vibrational light realms”?
Or engage in feel-good, delusional and arrogant spiritual practices such as thinking we can access and contribute energy to heal Pachamama?
While continuing to consume and contribute to her destruction through our carbon footprint.

Do we have the courage and spiritual capacity to engage, and once these feelings are integrated, choose right action, or will we retreat into despair and depression?

We talk of being spiritual warriors. 
Has there ever been a cause more calling on our warriorship?
To stop the death and destruction.


Note: For additional information see “Separation”