
At the base of our human brain is our primitive reptilian brain
The focus of this part of the brain is survival
Our inner reptilian

This aspect of our psyche is projected externally and manifests as corporations
Corporate values reflect the reptilian
–       Aggressive pursuit of profit to ensure their survival
–       Competitive with anyone or thing that is even a marginal threat
–       Cold and ruthless in the markets, the courts, and society
–       Seeking to control and dominate suppliers, regulators, and customers
–       Protecting their brand, territory and self interests
Unencumbered by the values and conscience of our mammalian and higher brains

Testosterone became the fuel of the reptilian corporation
Promotion and reward favors those who act from their personal reptilian nature

Capitalism / free enterprise is the cultural manifestation of the reptilian
The “dog eat dog” world of business could more accurately be described as “lizard eat lizard”
All business is influenced by the reptilian
“Its a business decision” typifies the split of the reptilian from our humanity

Some countries are bastions of the free enterprise, reptilian culture and serve the reptilian – revering the reptilian corporations – and willing to fight and die for them

The reptilians are indeed in control of the planet, not another race, not aliens, but our reptilian nature projected and manifest as corporations and “free enterprise”


© 2012 Rick Ellis. All rights reserved.
You may copy and distribute this article if you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address.