Weaving Destiny

Fate is a future that is predetermined. 
Fate is what happens when we no longer take conscious responsibility for our lives, and allow ourselves to drift along.
Fate happens when we are not working toward our destiny.

The key to destiny is courage – destiny is not for the faint hearted. It requires allowing the guiding fire of the heart to burn brightly.
And the foundation of destiny is gratitude – that leads to a deep desire to engage with life.

Destiny is a spiritual decision, and a challenge. It is known deep in the soul.
Destiny is our expression of life, our way of being in the world, not an outcome or achievement.
Destiny is a commitment to learning, growing, and taking chances.
Destiny is dynamic – it continuously stretches us, as we discover / refine who we are, and glimpse who we can be.
Destiny is never self-serving. 

Destiny is not revealed in a blinding flash. But rather emerges from our day-to-day choices of what is “right” for us. We then need to weave the threads of these choices and their implications into a coherent life that becomes our destiny.

People connected by destiny will find each other if they pursue their individual destinies.

Everyone has the power to divine their destiny.

The foundation for divining your destiny:
Knowledge of your personal strengths, so you can build on them.
Emotional, mental, and spiritual maturity. Including knowledge of where you are tempted to take the easy path.
Willingness to be different. To be your authentic self – not a copycat – and enjoy your personal style.
Awareness of the activities and challenges from your past that have captivated your passion and full attention – these point toward destiny.
Resilience to failure and setbacks – destiny often leads to challenging initiations and the wisdom of failure. Such setbacks are an opportunity to re-evaluate and refine your choices.
Supportive friends and community who want you to be truly you – not necessarily like them.

Barriers to pursuing your destiny:
We all have some or many of these at play within us. When weaving destiny, be aware when they start to “interfere”.
Unresolved inner trauma.
Habits – unconscious responses that keep us doing what we have always done.
Limiting core beliefs and self criticism – insecurity, unworthiness, shame, and anxiety.
Ego traps, arrogance, distractions, and entitlements that will corrupt, or draw you away from, the choices of destiny.
Choices based on comfort, immediate reward / gratification, or to satisfy ambition.
Patterns of living that are inherent in your family, re-incarnate lineage, or social group – these can feel familiar and attractive. And easily trap you.
Self medication – numbing out to life and destiny.

The skills and actions required to weave together your destiny:
Focus on making choices based on how you want to be in life, rather than what you want to get. Which choice feels more alive?
Frequently ask yourself: why am I here? Both ‘here’ as in the current situation, and ‘here’ as in being alive. Listen in quiet stillness for an answer.
Look for options and opportunities that are outside your normal consideration.
When evaluating choices, pull on the threads of each choice as they travel off into the future. See where they lead and their implications. Ask yourself “is this a thread of my destiny?”
Make choices based on your values and your intuitive “heart compass” sense of who you really are.
Be willing to take risks to earn your destiny. Be willing to sacrifice the things that hold you back. And sacrifice the things that you love for something greater.
Be willing to ask for, and work with the help of spirit and spirit allies. 
Develop destiny awareness – a feel for destiny’s calling. Some choices are more pivotal than others. Sometimes you can feel destiny in your bones.
Be conscious and diligent in pursuing destiny. Never sit back, drift, and wait for something to happen to you – however patience is essential, as is knowing when to act.
Become a container for your destiny. In ceremony or meditation call the threads of your destiny to you. Be magnetic and receptive. Receive rather than bargain with destiny.

Be willing to sit in the fire as you forge your destiny within.