New Moon – Nov. 2024
This session will focus on recognizing and releasing barriers to self love. It is the first of a three part series on LOVE.
Make a list of what your ‘inner’ critic says to you. Over the past weeks / months what has that ‘voice’ said? What is the tone of voice – e.g. harsh, gentle, aggressive, etc. Is the voice speaking occasionally or more often? Are you critical of others with the same words and voice?
What aspect / part of yourself are you most critical of? (this might be a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual aspect). Who first criticized this aspect of you? Is your inner critic an echo of the voice that was your first critic?
How / when do you ‘push’ yourself beyond your authentic pace, rhythm and energy? What do you sacrifice within yourself to ‘get things done’ or compete or be perfect? What are you seeking from this – e.g. acceptance, respect, acknowledgement, etc. Do you treat yourself with kindness and respect when you are tired and ‘out of gas’ or are you self-critical?
Where are the inner critics and pushers located in your body?
How is your level of self love mirrored to you by the ‘outside world’? For example: are people around you criticizing / pushing / abusing themselves or treating themselves with kindness, gentleness, and deep respect? Do others treat you with kindness, gentleness and respect or do they treat you the way your inner critic and ‘pusher’ treats you?
Do you self-soothe as a response to your inner critic(s) and pushers? What self-soothing or self rewarding ‘things’ do you do? Do they work? For how long?
Brief circle sharing of some of the key aspects of the preparation items. What aspect of yourself are you most critical of? Whose voice is this an echo of?
Sound session – recognizing the origins of our inner critics. Releasing the inner critics / pushers / and other blocks to self love. Sit with the inner critic (echo voice) until the energy dissipates. Don’t try to control or ‘get rid’ of the critic – just acknowledge that it is ‘echo’.
Be compassionate with what you consider your “faults”.
Sharing and deepening of the sound work.
What aspects of yourself do you like the most? How do you treat these parts? Do you acknowledge, nurture and support them?
Brief circle sharing of the aspects of yourself you most like.
Sound session – acknowledging and supporting all of ourselves.
Sharing and deepening of the sound work.
How will you deepen into self love over the next month?