Time of Maturing

Moving beyond the construction of an identity in early life.
The knowing confidence of middle age tips forward into awe, wonder, and humility of the vast unknowability of it all.

We recognize and begin to reconcile the younger aspects of ourselves that are still active within our psyche and are protecting us or clamouring for our attention.
The many voices within are beginning to sing in harmony.

Our internal state of trauma is recognized and resolution is engaged.
We are settling into our authentic skin – and into awareness of that skin.

Moving beyond approval from others.
To a self-referencing inner security and image of ourselves.

Past conflicts, and our roles in them, are acknowledged and we are working toward resolution.
Finding and crossing the river of forgiveness of ourselves and others. 

We shift from searching for meaning, to constructing meaningfulness.
Beyond the common notions of happiness, purpose, service, or goals.

Shifting from accumulating to distributing.
In generosity and gratitude.

The big questions come forward.
What it means to be alive – to be human.
What we stand for – our values becoming clear.
No longer self-sabotaging or holding back.
Being willing to put ourselves “on the line”.

Embracing life as change, a dynamic process.
Engaged in exploration – with curiosity.
Surfing the waves of life – as the waves get bigger.

Enjoying uninvited novelty.
Rejoicing in beauty and the small things that now matter.
Light hearted and open handed.

Engaging in the initiations as spirit presents them – the harder work.
Journeying diligently, accepting inevitable failure, and building the resiliency to carry on.
Committed, but no longer struggling, to climb the steep slopes of consciousness.

Community in abundance.
No longer comparative or competitive.
Beyond cultural prescriptions, and tribal boundaries.
A broadening world-view.

Nuanced, refined compassion.
The transcendence and truth of the goddess.